Racheta Tenis Wilson Blade 98 S (18x16) V9.0


SKU WR152411

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Rachetele de performanță Blade de la Wilson continuă să fie alegerea preferată a concurenților pasionați care caută controlul suprem, senzația și stabilitatea. Blade 98S V9 are un răspuns mai ascuțit, mai stabil, care produce o senzație de conexiune mai strânsă cu mingea.
  • Blade Benefit: Feel and Control
  • Smaller Head: Enhances precision and provides crisp feeling
  • 18x16 String Pattern: Most open string pattern that produces extreme spin
  • Innovations: Updated features and composition improve stability to produce a more connected-to-the-ball feel
  • Upgrades: Latest bumper and grommet design is easier to apply, more durable, and fits the racket smoother
  • Design: Dynamic Emerald Night Green matte finish with pops of orange compliment the sharp responses of the frame
More Information
Brand by Sport Wilson tennis
Nivel de practica Rachete de concurs (femei), Rachete jucatori avansati (barbati), Rachete jucatori avansati (femei), Nivel intermediar (barbati)
Marime cadru (in2) 98 sq.in.
Corzi 18 x 16
Greutate (gr) 295 gr
Lungime 27in / 68.5cm
Echilibru (cm) 32.5 cm
Composition Braided Graphite + Basalt
Cover Not included
Racordaj Unstrung
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