Racheta Tenis Babolat Evo Aero (strung)


SKU: 102516-100

895,37 RON
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Pentru tine, tenisul este un joc, dar și un sport despre distracție, provocarea propriei persoane și mișcare. De aceea, am proiectat racheta de tenis Evo Aero pentru a avea tot ce ai nevoie pentru a face progrese rapide, distrându-te pe teren. Această rachetă de tenis are un cadru actualizat care oferă echilibrul perfect între putere și confort la fiecare lovitură.


You've told us you need power for your game. So, we've designed you the perfect racquet with a brand-new concept called Easy Power. Thanks to this new design featuring a 102 sq. inch (660 sq. cm) head, it's never been so easy to send a ball back long with a powerful stroke.


Our engineers have refined the SMAC EX technology to make the most of its potential. The viscoelastic material in 4 key places around the aeromodular frame (3"/6"/9"/12") cushions vibrations and quietens the sound of the ball hitting the strings. This makes the playing experience nice and comfortable.


With its brand-new 16x18 string pattern, the aerodynamic Evo Aero frame makes it easier to put spin on the ball with every stroke and helps you feel more secure. The extra trampoline effect gives you more power but drains less of your energy.