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Rachetă de Padel adidas Metalbone Junior

Black / Red


Special Price 450,00 RON PRDP: 550,00 RON
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Noua rachetă de padel adidas Metalbone Youth are o formă mare și supradimensionată de diamant, care permite jucătorilor tineri să învețe aspectele ofensive ale jocului și să-și depășească adversarii încă de la începutul carierei lor.
The new Metalbone Youth has a large and oversized diamond shape that allows the younger players to learn the offensive parts of the game and be able to out-run their opponents early on in their career. The racket’s frame and hitting surface are made entirely out of fiber glass to make it as powerful and forgiving as possible for the younger player. Also, with extra reinforcement in the heart, it becomes very stable at the same time. It can also be one of the best looking junior rackets and it will most likely take your junior player to the next level.
More Information
Marime cadru (in2) Diamond Shape
Forma Diamant
Greutate (gr) 330 gr
Echilibru (cm) 28.5
Width 38 mm
Textura Fina
Nivel de practica Copii padel
Cover Not included
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